How Long Does It Take To Memorize 10 Pages of Quran?

Ten pages make up half a Juz, which you can memorize in five days by learning two pages daily. If you want a challenging schedule, you can memorize ten pages in two days by learning five pages daily. However, to follow such an intensive approach, you will need exceptional retention and a quick learning speed with a photographic memory. It’s crucial to focus on proper Tajweed and understanding for the best hifz lesson. Simply rote-learning the verses will result in quick forgetfulness. Therefore, focus on your Tajweed and makharij, pay attention to the meaning of the verses, and then memorize slowly but strategically.

While some people can memorize 10 pages in a day to complete the Juz in 2 days and the whole Quran in just 2 months, that’s an exception. For most learners, half a page per day is enough for good retention. Following this pace, you will complete 10 pages in 20 days.

Can't Go to the Mosque to Memorize Quran?

Join Hifz Academy to learn and hifz Quran online with Native Egyptian Arab tutors.