How Long Does It Take To Memorize 2 Pages?
If you are a beginner, it will take 4 days to memorize 2 pages of the Quran, while intermediate students can do it in 2 days. To do this, you should break the pages into manageable parts and focus on memorizing one part at a time. Depending on your memorization abilities, you can divide the 2 pages into 4 parts and memorize each part (which is half a page) in one session. Keep in mind that you have 2 sessions per day. By the end of day 2, you will have memorized the 2 pages.
If you find it challenging to memorize 2 pages in 2 days, you can break down the parts even further and aim to complete 2 pages in 4 days. In this case, you will need to learn half a page every day. How you divide this half page is up to you; you can memorize it all at once, or divide it over 24 hours. After you have finished memorizing the 2 pages in 1, 2, 3, or 4 days, be sure to thoroughly review and reinforce your memorization.
Can't Go to the Mosque to Memorize Quran?
Join Hifz Academy to learn and hifz Quran online with Native Egyptian Arab tutors.