What is it called when someone memorizes the Quran?
A person who memorizes the entire Quran is called a hafiz, while a female is called a Hafiza. The term “hafiz” literally means “to protect” or “a protector.” This implies that by memorizing the Quran, one has protected it and stored it in their heart where it cannot be erased by anyone but themselves. The Quran remains in the heart and mind of the hafiz, safeguarded over the centuries in this manner.
Becoming a hafiz does not only involve memorizing the verses and earning the title but also entails a lifelong commitment to maintaining the memorization of the Quran at the same level of perfection as when it was initially memorized. Thorough and regular revisions become a daily routine for a hafiz or hafiza. A person who memorizes the Quran will be granted a special status in the heavens.
Can't Go to the Mosque to Memorize Quran?
Join Hifz Academy to learn and hifz Quran online with Native Egyptian Arab tutors.

How Hifz Academy Provide Authentic and Credible Information Regarding the Quran and Hifz?
At Hifz Academy, we are committed to providing trustworthy, reliable and authentic information so our readers are kept connected to the book of Allah. Our editorial process is the core of everything we do and we ensure whatever is published is meeting our high standards. We have 4 main pillars for anything we create. It is first checked through these important parameters.- Maintaining the trust factor
- Setting high standards for journalism
- Preferring accuracy of content
- Updating the content regularly
1- Maintaining the Trust Factor
Quran and Hifz-related stuff can get intermingled with the presence of several sects and uncredited sources. It can confuse a beginner or a revert. So, we provide content that is backed up with Quranic references and authentic hadiths to let readers cross-check our information on their own. We try covering many topics related to hifz especially and help people broaden their spectrum regarding memorization. We are here to break the traditional norms set for hifz. We encourage newbies to memorize with a personalised plan and only stop where they think they can’t maintain more. Depending upon every person’s ability, we are here to stop pressurizing students to memorize by going out of their boundaries. Of course, Allah hasn’t made Islam to be taught with force!2- Setting High Standards for Journalism
Our published content is unbiased, authentic, balanced, clear from ambiguities, research-based, well thought of, and engaging at the same time. Every single word published on a website is written by hifz academy qualified quran tutors. We want readers to read our content with curiosity and leave the page with comprehensive knowledge that answers their questions. We do not get into the debate of sects, beliefs, trends, and heard-of stuff. We rely only on the Quran and hadith for references. To maintain the standards of journalism we focus on the following aspects and make sure we do not break our own rules for anyone.- Scrutiny of contributors and their regular training regarding rules and regulation
- Proof-reading and thorough checking of every content to avoid any misinformation
- Promoting other brands with the same ambition and assisting them in any issue they face
- Skilled and professional Quranic scholars to answer your queries and guide you correctly
- Careful selection of topics to target the main points
- No hidden policies to promote our page and content
3- Preferring Accuracy of Content
Hifz Academy knows accurate information must be given to the readers so we do not misguide our viewers with high expectations, creating a goody-good fictional world, and hiding the real information. If we say memorizing a page in 5 minutes is technically not possible, WE MEAN IT! We will not promote our content on such superfluous ideas that are not for an ordinary learner! Just to gain clicks, we are committed not to spreading pseudo information regarding hifz. Transparency in every little step is our main aim. We tell you what we believe in. Our hifz methods are not taken from websites to only fill in the content, instead, several trained huffaz have shared their experience with the particular method, and only then the writer carry on creating the content. 4- Updating the content regularly As is true for science, things evolve and change regularly, the same goes with the hifz genre as well. The techniques are introduced, implemented and given 100% consent for applications, Hifz Academy teachers ensure to keep our content updated with the new things. If we have even a single sentence new regarding our content, we just update it and make it reach out to the audience so they can also enlighten their knowledge. Our main Hifz Tutors keeps a regular check on the ongoing evolutions in hifz, they then discuss them with the editorial team and update the existing content. As a result, we publish a variety of dates so the readers are well aware of what we are doing.- The original date of the content publication
- The review date of the content
- The updated date of the content